Pub Quiz Round 2 Week 2
Here we go with another link round having the same link as round 1, so it is up to you if you create it as a quiz link or as a standard quiz round.
- Which North American country signed a peace treaty with rebels, ending a 36 year civil war?
- The UK Government announces plans to make possession of handguns illegal in the UK, following what ?
- For the first time ever, a computer defeated a reigning world chess champion in a game of chess. What was the computer’s name?
- John Howard was the 25 Prime Minister of which country ?
- What was the first mammal to be successfully cloned?
- Which actor was the first to say “show me the money”?
- The football association decided Glen Hoddle, at the time Chelsea manger, will succeed who and in what position? 2 points one for each correct answer
- completing their divorce proceedings. A former royal loses the title and becomes Sarah what was her royal title?
- What did the government plan to build on the Greenwich peninsular site of the River Thames which they said would bring 1000’s of jobs?
- Which group release a song in the 90’s titled wannabe ?
- Ford launched a new city car which takes advantage of the shortened fiesta Chassis what is it called ?
- Ian and Kevin Maxwell where cleared of what charge after an 11-day trial at the old baily?
- What event ended the IRA’s 17 month Cease fire injuring 39 people?
- Which Royal received a lump sum settlement of £17m for their divorce on the signed agreement that no detail of the divorce or married life was disclosed?
- Why did the European union prohibit the export of British beef?
Quiz Answers
- Guatamala
- Dunblane Massacre
- Deep Blue
- Australia
- Sheep (Dolly)
- Cuba Gooding Jnr
- Terry Venables, England National Football team
- The Duchess of York
- Millennium Dome
- Spice Girls
- Ford Ka
- Fraud
- The Dockland Bombing
- Princess Diana
- (BSE) or “mad cow disease”.